Rookie Camp
Rookie Camp for Boys Ages 6 – 10
Rookie Camp is not offered every summer, we operate based on availability. Please reach out to our Assistant Director Ben ( if you are interested in Rookie Camp.
Rookie Camp at Greenwoods Camp for Boys makes choosing the right camp a little easier by allowing your son to “taste” the camp experience, while giving you, as parents, insight to our program, supervision, and philosophy.

Rookies spend five days and four nights living in their own cabins with other Rookie Campers around their age, as well as our experienced counselors. Your son will experience a wide sampling of our regular camp activities and participate in our great evening programs while making new friends.
In addition to individual attention from our staff, we also have “Camp Moms” available to our Rookie Campers during their stay to provide the TLC they need their first time away from home.