We believe that any camp is only as good as its people. This is why we select only the finest counselors to guide and care for our campers. Our mature and dynamic staff are chosen from students, graduates and teachers from schools all over the world. Each year we receive over 1,800 applications and select fewer than 10% of the applicants to serve on our staff. Each applicant goes through an intensive screening and interview process, including background checks. All staff attend a rigorous orientation before our campers arrive.

Our overall staff-to-camper ratio of 1 to 3 ensures that campers receive the individual attention they deserve. The average age of our counseling staff is 21 years old. Each staff member at Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods is committed to making a positive impact on each camper who attends. We seek out charismatic, capable and compassionate individuals to ensure the physical and emotional well-being and happiness of our campers.