Greenwoods Camp

A Day at Camp

4 and 8 Week Campus

Campers participate in five 50-minute activity periods each A Day and a different five each B Day. If campers are interested in activities that are not taught as a class they can choose “camper choice.” For example, play in a ping-pong tournament, jump on the water trampoline in the lake, play Frisbee golf, or get involved in a game of Gaga!

Each camper designs his own schedule, so the Customized Activity Schedule shown below is just an example. All periods are elective.

A Day Schedule

  1. Horseback Riding
  2. Swimming
  3. Golf
  4. Climbing
  5. Sailing

B Day Schedule

  1. Windsurfing
  2. Basketball Leagues
  3. Archery
  4. Canoeing
  5. Camper Choice

2 Week Campus

Campers participate in five 50-minute activity periods each A Day and a different five each B Day. Campers spend the morning participating in activities as a cabin group and the afternoon doing their individually selected activities.

Each camper will choose his own afternoon activities, so the Customized Activity Schedule shown below is just an example.

A Day Schedule

  1. Cabin: Archery
  2. Cabin: Swimming
  3. Golf
  4. Waterskiing
  5. Sailing

B Day Schedule

  1. Cabin: Tubing
  2. Cabin: Trampball
  3. Guitar
  4. Tennis
  5. Model Rocketry

A different program is planned for every evening at camp. Some of our most popular include Casino Night, Capture the Flag, Campfires, MTV Live, World Records Night, Carnival Night, tubing on our beautiful lake, or even a trip to the nearby bowling alley or arcade!

Daily Schedule

Time Activity
7:30am Optional Early Riser Program
8:15am Wake-Up
8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Cabin Clean-Up
9:50am Flag Raising
10:00am Cabin activity #1 (2 weekers)
Elective Activity (4 & 8 weekers)
11:00am Cabin activity #2 (2 weekers)
Elective Activity (4 & 8 weekers)
12:15pm Lunch
1:00pm Rest Hour
2:00pm Canteen
2:45pm Elective Activity
3:45pm Elective Activity
4:45pm Elective Activity
6:15pm Dinner
7:30pm Evening Program