Parent Resources: Bullying

Jun 09, 2014 | The Lake of the Woods Team

Bullying has always been a part of our schools but perhaps the seriousness has been overlooked until recent years. With social networking, instant messaging and text messaging, cyber bullying has become a prevalent issue for our youth. John Halligan uses his tragedy to heighten awareness of the risks involved with this boundless form of bullying. He travels across the states, has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and has formed a website in an attempt to ensure that the severity of bullying and the impact it has on the victims does not go unnoticed. You can read his story by selecting the following link:

His website contains useful information on cyber bullying and what we can do as a society to help children through their most difficult years.

More on cyber bullying. Are you aware of what your child is doing on the internet? Could your child have been a victim? Is your child involved in cyber bullying? The NY Times has relaesed an alarming article on the prevalence of this modern day problem. We have all heard the stories. Now let’s realize what we can do about them.